Well. Time flies, eh? Blah blah blah cliché, blah blah blah aphorism. Here we are at the end of February, just about, so I figured I was overdue for an update.
Not that I’m sure anyone is reading these updates. Let me know if you do. I used to blog a bit more frequently, back in the day, and I could do more but blogging takes time from writing. Although that’s a weak defense; plenty of other stuff takes even more time from writing. Ah well, you get the picture. Let’s dive in.
Reviews for Her Substitute
First of all, thanks! Thank you to everyone who left reviews on Her Substitute on Amazon.com (and .co.uk, fellow UK people!). I don’t have time right now, unfortunately, to quote people. I will at some point and add them to the page for the book.
I really, really appreciate your time to review the book. It absolutely makes a difference to sales, to perception and most important of all (ahem) to my ego. Only kidding. Nothing helps that. Anyway – big sloppy wet kisses or hugs (your choice) to all my reviewers.
Want to be one of the people receiving this unwanted close contact? Review the book already people.
Price increase for Her Substitute
As I mentioned back when I launched Her Substitute, the initial price was introductory, for all you lovely people! As of March 1st, I’m pushing the price to $6.99 (and near equivalents – basically whatever A Lie Within A Lie: The Spy costs globally, it’ll cost the same). In addition, I’ll be adding Her Substitute to Kindle Unlimited, which means I have to remove the PDF version from Gumroad, where it’ll be gone for at least three months. Let me bullet point all that for ease of skimming:
- Her Substitute will cost $6.99 as of March 1st
- It will become available to read for free, for Kindle Unlimited members
- It will be removed from Gumroad – if you want the PDF version, buy it now
Why do I have to remove it from Gumroad? Because putting a book in Kindle Unlimited means it can’t be available for sale anywhere else. It’s a rolling three month exclusivity period. If, at the end of the three months, I can see that the ‘sales’ (AKA page reads) for Her Substitute don’t look as good as the Gumroad sales have been, I’ll pull it back out.
Which makes me think I should consider putting Practice to Deceive in Kindle Unlimited too. Hmm.
On to the free stuff!
The New Job… is coming back
After a couple of months away I think I cracked – kind of – where to go next with The New Job. (A title which is so ‘working’, it might as well be earning a paycheck.) That means in the next newsletter (which will go out this week, i.e. in March) you’ll be able to read some more of it. Yay! As always, I appreciate feedback – especially on stuff like this, which is totally in process, hence my stop-start cadence, really.
Are you sitting there saying “What the hell is The New Job?” You should subscribe to the newsletter.
Did you see my ‘ad’?
YouTuber and masking enthusiast couple KairaChloe have been making mask videos for a while, and also were taking commissions – so I asked them to make a little video for me to promote Her Substitute. I wrote a little script, Chloe got on camera and had fun with a mask. Here’s the result.
Fun huh? It wasn’t super elaborate, but still I got a few new readers from it. It always surprises me that there are people out there who don’t know about mask fiction. I have thoughts on this, but I might save them for another post. I’m currently thinking about another commissioned video which might promote my books in general… this time without masks. We’ll see if it works out.
That’ll do for now! I’ve got more, but I’ll keep it to myself for now. Speak soon!
2 responses
Hey Ghostly,
I wanted to know if you’ll be releasing any other books later this year.
That’s the plan. 😉