As you know, things around here have been dormant, and I keep opening up random corners of the site going “Jesus! There’s a rat’s nest in here, and they’ve been chewing on the wires!”
Ergo, didn’t even realize on my post asking for comments that, umm, it’s a bit hard to make a comment as you can’t register here; and that my contact form was utterly broken.
For now, until I figure out my preference, you can register on for an account and use that to comment. (I honestly can’t even remember what commenting plugin I was using previously. I’ll figure it out.)
But arguably, it’ll be a lot easier to just email me. The email is gw at (the site domain), or if you like, ghostlywriter at the email service beginning with G. (Yes. I know how dumb it is to try and fool bots and crawlers. Whatever, I get enough spam.)
Or, use the (now functioning) contact form.
Normal service, etc.